News & Tips
Posture Tips – Standing Desk

You might think that a standing desk is the answer to all your back or neck pain at work.
However, did you realize it is possible to slouch at a standing desk? And that your back or neck pain may continue as a result!
Standing slouching
looks a little different to sitting slouching: 1) Hanging on one hip
2) Hips forward of the rib cage
3) Pelvis tilted forward
4) Leaning on the desk
5) Craning to view the screen
Actually the last two points also can happen sitting, but it’s important to realize that standing helps only if you get it right!
Best standing posture to reduce neck and back pain:
– Even weight on both legs (or have one foot on a small step)
– Hips under rib cage, pelvis “neutral”
– Chin tucked in
– Stay on the move – you don’t have to stand stock still!

Remember, you can alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. At first it is recommended that you only stand for 30% of the day. For more tips, please watch our ergonomics video here or contact Macquarie Street Physiotherapy, we specialise in the treatment of neck and back pain and are located in the Sydney City CBD. Call us on 02 9221 1604 to make a booking.
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